Greece, Volos
27. – 31. 10. 2022

On this moblity, several topics connected to gender equality were interoduced. For example: What is a gender? What is a social equality? How does the gender equality looks like in education? Gender stereotypes, empowering women a gender blindness were the biggest issues duscussed during this mobility.

Professors from Macedonian Goce Delcev University in Stip, prepared very infromative and educational training based on the main topics of the project. Brain storming was the main method used during the discussions.

Participated teachers presented presentations about the gender equality policies in their countries. They notified the differencies between genders in various areas of social life and gender equality policies of European countries.

The participated teachers learned the concepts realted to gender equality, the effects of culture on determining gender roles and correct communication techniques and expressions for gender equality.